Where is Zakka Campsite located ?
Zakka campsite is located at Cameron Highland, Pahang.
What is the check in and check out time ?
Check in time is 2.00pm and check out time is 11.00am.
Any network coverage in campsite
YES. Maxis, Celcom, Digi & U Mobile can access 4G network.
What is the temperature of the campsite
It is about 22c - 28c in the daytime and it is about 15c - 18c at night. Please bring long sleeves, pants, and jacket.
Is pet allowed ?
YES, but we only open zone A for pet friendly.
Is kids allowed ?
YES, it is suitable to bring your kids to this campsite to explore themto our local cold nature and plantation. Kids age 5 and below are FREE!
Can i do karaoke at the campsite ?
NO, karaoke is not allowed. Be respectful and be polite to your neighbour campers.
Is there any plug point ?
There is electric supply at the common area.
How do campers dispose rubbish ?
Campers need to prepare their own garbage bag and throw it into the rubbish bin that is placed at the main gate entrance.
Any restaurant nearby ?
- Restaurant Fang Xiang (Non-Halal)
- Restaurant Siew Ming 小明风味饭店 (Non-Halal)
- Kedai Makan PAK SAHAK Kari Kepala Ikan (Halal)
Where can I cooking ?
Designated Cooking Area: Campers are provided with a designated cooking area located behind the factory and the common area.
Allowed Cooking Methods: Light cooking is permitted using personal camping stoves, portable gas burners, or similar equipment. However, heavy cooking methods, such as steamboat, deep-frying, or BBQ, are strictly prohibited.
Only For Tent Package
Did you provide BBQ equipment ?
NO, if BBQ, campers must own prepare BBQ grill, charcoals, and fire starter. But we do sell BBQ rack and charcoal, you can pay on the spot.
*need early inform customer service to make a reservation. (fire starter need own prepare)
What are the kitchen utensil will be prepared ?
We have provide
- cups
- plates
- bowls
- spoons
- forks
- knife
- scissors
- cutting board
- ladle
- stir fry spatula
- cooking pot
- frying pan
- gas stove
Is the flysheet area shared or for own group ?
The flysheet area is only for own group, wouldn't share with others.